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  • 리뷰) 2013년 12월 27일 위그모홀 공연 리뷰 Musical Opinion _ James Palmer
    date : 2015-07-12 / writer : 오푸스 관리자 / Add file : (ip:)
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Wigmore Hall - Grace Yeo

The outstanding South Korean pianist Grace Yeo gave a superb recital at Wigmore Hall under the auspices of the Kirckman Concert Society on December 27, a programme surely designed for the connoisseur. Opening with arguably the greatest (and last) of Haydn’s Sonatas, Ms Yeo declared herself to be a fine artist, with phrasing and a sense of structure that were exceptional, welcome  characteristics that she further displayed in Beethoven’s  ‘Appassionata’ Sonata and in Liszt’s B minor Sonata. Between the Beethoven and Liszt came Bartók’s Opus 14 Suite, the myriad colours of which showed her mastery of music composed from a very different standpoint.  The two better-known sonatas were admirably performed, and I for one look forward to hearing this most gifted musician as soon as possible.

James  Palmer

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